I got the job! I'll be working in sales at Circuit City selling cameras and the like. I only had one interview, which I thought went horribly, but apparently not since the store manager was impressed by some of the things on my resume and how I "sold" him a stapler that was supposed to be a camera. The interview was really supposed to be yesterday, but it had to be rescheduled. I usually get nervous with these types of things, but I was pretty confident when I went in yesterday. Today for some reason, the nervousness decided to make an appearance about 20 minutes before I went in. It could've just been the greasy McDonalds breakfast I had earlier disagreeing too...
I already have plans to blow my first month's pay, but after that perhaps I can start saving. In the meantime I'll need to come up with a few plans for managing my time with school work (depending on my schedule), applications, and other activities since I'll be working until close most days. That means no more afternoon naps :( Realistically, this will probably help me since I really do suck at efficiently using my time, and I'll need to learn to do that soon, really soon.
This is kind of surreal. Oh noes, growing up.
Yaaay, congrats! Circuit City is one of my favourite stores, but I'm not really partial to sales pitches and customer service, so I'm not exactly sure if I should be jealous or relieved that I'm not in your shoes, haha! Either way, enjoy that paycheck - what do you have in mind to do with it?
Everything's good as long as you don't blow your cookies at the interview kiddo.
Takeaway message: Oatmeal is a great breakfast before interviews.
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