Sunday, December 23, 2007

Time for a Change

I was sick of looking at that old maroon and gray page, so I decided to change my blog layout a bit. This one, Snapshot Tequila, is a bit more interesting. There isn't much to choose from in terms of pre-made layouts, but I like this one for its clean cut lines and the white background gives a sense of openness. I don't know why I chose green though...its interesting, I guess.

Speaking of sick, I am sick. I thought I could go a whole year without the sickness! Playing doctor, I predict that it is just some sort of upper respiratory congestion or the common cold or sinus congestion or something of that sort. My throat feels like someone is rubbing sandpaper along it every time I swallow or speak. Why would this choose to come on the first day of winter break? It was enough to keep me in bed all day yesterday, missing out on the epic LAN :(. Hopefully I'll be better by Christmas...

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