Monday, April 7, 2008

It's Over

Spring Break is official over. It's Monday. I have to go to school in a few hours. Boo.

It seems impossible to get through this APUSH work. I know I hate history and the way this book is written in certain sections, but this has been the worse ever. I'm using my Princeton Review guidebook to sum up what the chapter has covered, but then the American Pageant Guidebook asks so many weird nitpicky questions that I then have to go and hunt for within the chapter. I can't win. I'll finish eventually... Maybe I'll take a break from this and flashcardize some English stuff.
Flashcardize: to take words from the Poetry & Prose vocabulary packet or other novel vocabulary sheets of Mrs. Dinlocker's class and tranfer them into self-created Microsoft Word based flashcard templates to be printed, cut, and memorized.

From Noelle's Made-Up-Words, Vol. 2

Yesterday I went out with a few friends to Sawgrass. Usually this place is packed with teenagers in front of the movie theater and sprinkled throughout the Oasis, food court, and the rest of the mall. For a Saturday night during Spring Break, it was relatively empty. It was a bit late, but I expected more. Where did all the teenagers go?! We went to Gameworks, where we played DDR, only to get extremely tired, and then to the movies to see 21 finally. It wasn't as bad as some have said it is, but now I want to play blackjack (I knew how to play before the movie though).

4.5 hours to get 2 chapters of APUSH and a page of English vocab done... Is there a way to temporarily block myself from YouTube, Chief Delphi, College Confidential, and Facebook?

EDIT: 3:41am, DONE!!

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