Since this design is definitely not going on our robot, I guess I'll show it. It was my first design after kickoff and took me two nights to model, but I'm working on something else now. Admire my mediocre CAD skillz...
starting position
I know that there are many flaws in this design, besides the fact that it is a complete rip-off of PINK 2K7, so that's why it's not being used. Also, the strategy required to make this an effective robot is too complex. A slight bump while trying to score, or even manipulate the ball would throw us off. Assuming the telescoping portion would extend to 8ft, this robot is bound to tip with a 10lb manipulator + a 10lb ball. There was another part of the gripper that was used to clamp and secure the ball, though Inventor crashed at 2am the night before I was going to present, so I took that as a sign to go to sleep.
So now I'm off to force myself to do work, since I thrive on As (which I only have one of right now!) Procrastination is a bitch, though my best works come from those pressured nights -- winning science fair entries, big projects, essays, applications, etc...maybe I should do an entry on that some day.
EDIT: I just wasted another hour, someone come slap me!
::virtual slap::
I'm still up writing essays.
Don't be like me when it comes to Dinlocker's class! >.<
Psh, but I know you'll be fine :D
ew, I used my wrong account lol
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